Saturday, June 6, 2009

25 years

I was just looking at some of my pictures on my laptop and realized I had a copy of my senior picture in my files. Somethings change a lot in 25 years. Somethings not so much.

As I look at the pictures, not a lot seems to have changed. The eye-glasses are definitely different. There is a little more gray in the hair and the smile looks more confident. The tie has been replaced with a Roman collar. Just a few small changes.

Twenty-five years ago, I was not envisioning myself as a priest. I was getting ready to head off to Montana State University. Twenty-five years ago I would never have imagined I'd be motherless in less than a year. Twenty-five years ago I thought today I'd be retiring from the Air Force and just about ready to start a second career.

As I look I wonder where I'll be in another 25 years? What changes will continue to take place in my life?

We often have ideas about where we want to go, but we never really know where we are headed. We need to live our lives so as to be the best that we can be, keeping our ears open to hear God's call. It is not too much to anticipate that God may be calling us to greater things than we have on our radars today. We should live our lives accordingly.

May God bless us all with many more years to serve him.


Christine Trollinger said...

The gray hair is for all the wisdom you have gained. In 25 more years, the wrinkles will prove it and your spirit will continue to shine and serve God.

On you it looks good.

Me...not so much. LOL!

Old Droller said...

Again, Father, thank you for your life of holy service. Wouldn't it be droll if we could whisper in the ears of our 25-years-younger selves, telling them what their future would hold?!

lois in Indy said...

Father, thanks for setting up that account for Adoro. I've been wondering how I could help her for a while. Just FYI, using it required setting up a PayPal account rather than just using it on a one-time basis as I've done in the past. I found that a little concerning because I am an identity theft worry wart or maybe just a worry wart period. Anyway, I did it and hopefully all will be well. lois

Joe of St. Thérèse said...

Father, thank you for your sacrifice ;). Please keep me in prayer. I'm discerning a vocation to the Diocesean priesthood. I'd love to e-mail you and discuss. I live in Los Angeles, Ca, currently and have been advised by my Spiritual Director to search else where for places to discern.

Pax Vobis.

Joe of St. Therese

Shoshana said...

Hello Father! Just a small note to let you know how I so much appreciate and am so grateful for your priesthood! Having a couple friends-priests-friends, I must say that we will never know the gift that we possess.

That being said, priests are fun too! :-) Nice to see you again....<3

Shoshana said...

Hello Father! Just a small note to let you know how I so much appreciate and am so grateful for your priesthood! Having a couple friends-priests-friends, I must say that we will never know the gift that we possess.

That being said, priests are fun too! :-) Nice to see you again....<3