There are many options for the Mass readings for Thanksgiving Day. One of the options is the story of the ten lepers who were healed. Only one of them took the time to come back and thank Jesus for the healing.
How many times in our lives do we go along and forget to show our appreciation to God for all that he as done for us? When things go wrong, many of us are quick to blame God. When things go right, we tend to reflect upon the great things that we have accomplished.
I wonder if the nine healed lepers who did not return thought to themselves, "look how we've healed ourselves by asking Jesus for mercy"?
I want to challenge you this Thanksgiving to truly reflect upon all that you have. Reflect upon all that you have accomplished. Realize that none of it was done simply by your own efforts. You have accomplished them because of the talents God has given you.
Let us take time this Thanksgiving to offer real thanks, not for the ability to gather for a nice meal or watch a football game, but for all of the blessing which have been bestowed upon us.
Happy Thanksgiving and may God continue to bless you.